Hello SWTOR community! This week I recorded episodes for Corellian Run Radio (podcast) and The Republic (Gamebreaker), which are both out and available to watch and/or listen! Here are links and videos and little descriptions about each episode:
Corellian Run Radio Episode 135: Predictions for SWTOR 2015
In this episode Jason and I talk about our predictions for SWTOR this year and the upcoming San Antonio Community Cantina! You’ll also hear me mention megaserver theories and “ewok genocide!”
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJFB2G4i8mM&w=560&h=315
The Republic Episode 196: SWTOR Sploits
Larry gathers Redna and I to talk about the exploit that has been “going around” as well as new features in the latest SWTOR Player Test Server!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxoJ2Nszka0&w=560&h=315
Hopefully next time Corellian Run Radio (next live recording Sunday 1/18 at about 2:00pm Pacific) and The Republic (TBA) record live, I’ll see you in the chatroom!
The post New Episodes of Corellian Run Radio & The Republic appeared first on Pretty Little Sith.